Write For Us

We’re looking for experts, beverage lovers who loves writing and have something big to say.

Interested? Read our submission guide below.

Why write for Quenchlist?

Quench List is a participant in various affiliate partnership programs including Amazon Services LLC and Etsy. Affiliate advertising through our blogs to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to partnered programs. We offer informational articles, reviews, guides, blog posts to share our passion about unique and classic drinks with the world.

How long should the article be?

It MUST be at least 1,000 words and more.

Do you pay for submissions?

If we publish your article, you can include 1-2 relevant sentences call-to-action at the end of your article. You can direct readers to your website, book or course, blogs, or even your YouTube channel. Please note that it is subject to editorial discretion, and it may only include one link.

Can I become a regular contributor?

We’re actively seeking contributing writers. These would be the awesome writers who commit to writing regularly for our website. If you like to be considered for a regular contributor role, please submit a full article -something that would appear in our site, so we can know your writing. After working with you on your first article, we’ll determine if we want to invite you to write more for us.

What makes a great Quench List article?

The best articles we have on Quench List have these things in common:

  • They’re informative and relevant. The articles are mostly about products so it’s very important for our articles to be relevant on the topic. They have links where they can purchase the products.
  • They build some fast tips and guides for readers to follow and make drink recipes at home.
  • They’re fun. Most articles are exciting and invite readers to try new drink stuff on-trend.

Can I include links on the article?

Sure but only those links from our affiliate partners. Links that will help readers direct to the products. Only relevant links please.

Will you edit my article?

Yes we will. We do our best to preserve Quench List’s voice.

What should I do after my article is published?

We’d love for you to share it on social media. Sharing your articles helps our community grow.

Writing Prompts

Here are some ideas to help get started:

  1. Think or Search for interesting drinks you can write about, that are not yet on Quench List site.
  2. Priority products are those available on Amazon or Etsy.
  3. Articles must include these: Drink recipe guide, product descriptions and product links to Etsy or amazon.
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